Flor del Desierto
Funky, naughty spirit from the deserts
Sotol is not distilled from agave, but from the Sotol plant or desert spoon. There are numerous sotol varietals like Dasylirion wheeleri, Asparagaceae, plants that grow wild throughout the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico.
The sotol plant is native to Sonoran and Chihuahuan high desert climates and has since ancient times been a vital plant as a source of food and fibres. Sotol shares characteristic similarities to its cousins in spirit, Tequila, Mezcal, Bacanora and Raicilla.
Brand background
Destilados Noa Norte was founded by Yaremi Navar, Jesús Navar, and Sergio González in 201. The company is headquartered in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. Destilados Noa Norte is the creator of Sotol Flor del Desierto.
Sotol Flor del Desierto is a result of the desire to bring back a traditional and historical, yet almost forgotten, Spirit from Mexico’s northern region. Sotol is drier and more
Overall tasting profile
“Green” is the main characteristic of Flor del Desierto spirits. They convey the a feeling of a walk in the garden. Lettuce, rosemary, basil and spearmint notes are abundant.
The tasting profile tends to be more refined and complex than we find in a typical tequila or mezcal. Flor del Desierto spirits are for the critical and picky conoisseur but also for those of us, who like a good spirit to pair with food.
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