Cosecha Imperial
Wild, untamed and ancestral spirit out of Chihuahua
Sotol is an agave spirit, but the agaves used, are very different from the varieties used in Tequila and Mezcal
Brand background
The company behind Cosecha Imperial was founded 6 years ago and is by now a well established Sotol Maker in Chihuahua, and the brand is one of the best.
Cosecha Imperial means “Imperial harvest” in english, because the plant of sotol cant be domesticated. It is only wild harvested, and one needs to wait around 18 years (more or less) before it is ripe for production. And even so, the yield in terms of spirit is very meagre. One plant holds enough juice for two-three bottles of sotol.
Sotol is a spirit with roots way back in precolumbian times, but it is merely within the last twenty years it has attracted the attention of serious spirits afficionados.
The Dasylirion wheeleri or “Desert Spoon” is the plant which is used for the making of Sotol. When the plant is cut up, the innermost leaves are spoon shaped, hence the name. It is not
Overall tasting profile
Cosecha Imperial Sotol is a fresh and delicious Sotol which brings associations to the sunny, wide and dry desert landscapes where it comes from. Dry, green and slightly smoky notes with a bit of anis and and a grassy aroma with some sweet fruit added in.
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